Printer Setup - XML Printer (

Printer Setup

Every XML Printer installation is configurable via a browser-based interface available at, which looks as follows.

Most of the XML Printer behavior can be configured on this page.

Output directory

Enter a directory name (ending with a backslash) where to store XML files outputted by XML Printer. XML Printer will create a unique filename by appending 5 digits and an .xml extension.

If you don’t finish the directory with a backslash, XML Printer will treat the ending as a base for the generated filenames.

It is your responsibility to clear the files, once they have been processed, otherwise the counter may run out of free numbers and the last file will be rewritten with every print.

Output flags

The checks in this section control what and how will be outputted. Text, Images and Paths are self-explanatory, UTF-16 forces the output file to be UTF-16 encoded (defaults to UTF-8). DTD adds a DTD scheme at the beginning of the XML document.

XPS outputs the document in XML Paper Specification format (more details here). If you output to XPS, XML Printer ignores all other output flags and skips all defined processing steps. The file will have and .xps extension instead of .xml.


Optional proxy configuration, in case the computer is behind a proxy server. This is only applied if you’re using a Post processing step (see below).

License key

If you are already registered, put your license key into this box, otherwise you’ll be prompted for registration on next print.


XML Printer allows you to define one or more processing steps in order to customize XML Printer to your needs. These steps will be launched in successive order after every print. There are four types of processing steps in total, any step can be restricted to a certain printer, in case you’re using more XML Printer instances on the same machine.

  • Execute
    Executes the specified executable and/or arguments and waits for the process to exit. You can specify the following placeholders, which will be replaced before the process starts: {output} is replaced by the full path to the XML file; {outputbase} is replaced by the full path to the XML file, but without the extension; {orig} is replaced by the full path to the XPS file that was converted to XML. If there is no placeholder, XML Printer appends quoted {output} to the end.
  • Reprint
    Reprints the document on another printer (either physical or virtual). If you select the same printer as the one that printed the document, the step is ignored to prevent endless loop.
  • Parse
    Parses the printed document using the specified document type and overwrites the XML file with parsed data. You can select Autoselect as the document type, which select the document type that matches the printed document the best.
  • Post
    Sends the printed document and all its dependencies to a specified URL. The files are sent as multipart/form-data mime type and the response from the server is ignored by XML Printer.
  • Convert to PDF
    Converts the printed document into a PDF file. The name of the file will be the same as XML, except the extension will be .pdf.


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XML Printer 3.6.2 released


Finally, after 1.5 years of waiting, we have released an update to XML Printer 3.6.

It has many reliability issues fixed, along with some new features. XML Printer still remains free for personal and non-commercial use.

Go ahead and download the new XML Printer today.

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